F. Ruhsar Özer

F. Ruhsar Özer

  • Miniature Artist
  • Miniature Artist

Ruhsar Ozer, born in Istanbul, Turkey, is a Turkish painter who focuses on creating a unique art style by mixing modern techniques and concepts of contemporary art with visual language and style of traditional Turkish miniature art. After graduating from high school she enrolled to Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Istanbul University in 1972. Same year, she began studying Traditional Turkish Miniature Art under tutelage of Ord.Professor Dr. Suheyl Unver . In 1976 she graduated from university . During that year, her original miniature-style graphic novel got published in one of İmportant Children ́s Magazine . She drew postcard illustrations and illuminations for various publishers. Ozer continued her art studies under tutelage of Suheyl Unver till 1977. In late 70s and 80s she continued her art career independently . She participated various mix exhibitions and opened some personel exhibitions in her country. She joined marbling lessons of Hikmet Barutçugil for 2 years and have educator certificate of Marbling in 2007. She join various important Projects and Symposiums of different Universities in her own country. She had invitation from Florance and participate 8th İnternational Florance Bienalle at İtaly on December 2011. She also join various International group exhibitions, symposiums, Art Fairs and Bienalles on all over the World as; Russia (Moscow), Greece (Thesaloniki,Cerete) ,Tatarstan, Nepal, Makedonia, Japan, United Arabic Emirates, Canada, India, Czech's Republic, Romania (Kostence), Iran (Tahran), Poland (Varşova). The artist whose artworks are published in a lots of art sites, takes place in “Masters Of İstanbul 2010 in Capitalcity of Culture Project . And she takes place Masters Of Turkey 2017 . She is also member of GESAM. She is stil lecturer of Turkish Miniature Art and Illumination at Yıldız Technical University. ABOUT HER ART; Themes of her works often come from deep roots and cultural heritage of Turkish people and the geography they live in. Turkish history, Otoman art and architecture, Islamic, Buddhist, Maniheist and Shamanistic mythology and iconography, Anatolian and Central Asian folklore and mysticism find their way in to her art. The works, often symbolistic and allegorical, represent the artist’s unique and deeply personal interpretations of civilization and cultural heritage. Influences come from history, fantasy, legends, mythology, religion, fairy tales and lores, and represent the subconcious mind and collective memory of society throughout ages. Ruhsar Ozer’s academic background (near art)in psychology and anthropology also have a profound effect in her style. Jungian concepts such as “collective unconcioussness” and “archetypes”, intrepreted as folktale characters, symbolic, legendary and mythological figures, find their places in her art.

All Sessions by F. Ruhsar Özer