Guidelines for Authors


1. Purpose and Scope

This directive has been prepared to establish the standards to be followed during the preparation, submission, and evaluation processes of papers submitted to our congress. The directive aims to enhance the scientific quality of the papers and ensure that the evaluation process is conducted transparently.

2. Congress Participation and Publication Requirements
a. Participation Requirements
    • Authors are required to participate in the congress either face-to-face or online for their papers to be eligible for publication.
    • An author may participate in the congress with one or more papers.
    • For the acceptance of the abstracts, at least one presenting author must register for the congress.
    • Papers that are not presented will not be published in the congress proceedings and will not be certified.
b. Registration and Participation Fees
    • Registration Process: The registration fee and dates for participation are announced on the official congress website.
    • Payment Methods: Registration fees can be paid via bank transfer to the TL, USD, or Euro accounts specified on the congress website.
c. Publication Requirements
    • Papers that have undergone peer review and have been presented will be published based on the congress's publication options.
    • Authors are required to complete the following declarations for their papers to be published:
      • Copyright Transfer: Confirmation of the copyright transfer of the paper to the congress.
      • Ethical Statement: Declaration of compliance with ethical rules.
      • Conflict of Interest Statement: Indication of any potential conflicts of interest in the study.
      • Contribution Statement: Specification of individual contributions of each author to the study.
3. Paper Submission Process
a. General Principles
    • Papers should be submitted electronically through the congress system. For detailed guidance on uploading papers, please refer to the Technical Guide for Paper Submission. For a detailed guide on uploading papers via the system, please refer to the which can be accessed through the Help Center -> Paper Submission sections.
    • Submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not under evaluation at another congress.
    • Only  extended abstracts(500-1500 words) and full-text papers (minimum 2000 words) are accepted.
    • Abstracts submitted to our congress must be uploaded only in the "Abstract" section of the system, without author information, and in compliance with the word limit of 500-1500 words. Uploading any additional files is not mandatory.
    • The subject of the paper should align with the main theme of the congress.
    • The study is expected to have the potential to contribute internationally.
    • Abstracts of all submissions will be published in an e-abstract book.
    • For full-text papers, authors may choose to publish in a peer-reviewed journal, an international peer-reviewed book, or the peer-reviewed congress proceedings, as specified on the congress website.
b. Submission Timeline
    • Deadline for Extended Abstract Submission 1 May, 2025
    • Deadline for Full-Text Submission: 30 May, 2025
c. Language Preferences
    • The official languages of the congress are Turkish and English.
    • For papers prepared in Turkish, it is mandatory to provide an English title, abstract, and keywords to enhance international accessibility and recognition of the congress.
    • İngilizce bildirilerde, dilbilgisi ve yazım hatalarının minimize edilmesi önem taşır. Bu nedenle, yazarların bildirilerini teslim etmeden önce profesyonel bir dil düzenleme hizmeti alması veya ana dili İngilizce olan meslektaşlarına okutmaları önerilir. İsteğe bağlı olarak, kongremiz profesyonel İngilizce düzenleme hizmeti sunmaktadır. Bildirilerinizi bu hizmet için adresine gönderebilirsiniz.
    • A scientific tone should be used in the papers, avoiding unnecessary verbosity. Texts should be prepared in a clear and concise academic writing style.
    • Turkish and English papers should adhere to the relevant writing and punctuation rules. The Turkish Language Association (TDK) guidelines should be used for Turkish papers, while the Oxford English Dictionary should be referenced for English papers.
d. Responsibilities of the Corresponding Author
    • The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors are included in the author list and have approved the final version of the paper.
    • The corresponding author must oversee the completion of required declarations and notifications.
    • The corresponding author facilitates communication and manages the revision processes.
4. Paper Format
a. File Format
    • Papers must be prepared in Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) format (using MS Word 2007 or later versions). Templates for paper preparation can be accessed via the following links:
    • Extended abstract papers should be prepared in accordance with the instructions specified in he Extended Abstract Template   and should be within the range of 500-1500 words.
    • Full-text papers must adhere to the following guidelines. The total length of the full-text paper (including abstract, main text, tables, references, and appendices) must be at least 2000 words.
b. Page Layout
    • Paper size must be A4 (21 x 29.7 cm).
    • Margins must be set to 2.5 cm on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right).
    • The font should be Times New Roman.
    • The font size varies for different sections, with detailed specifications provided below.
c. Main Title Information
    • The main title should clearly reflect the content of the study, be comprehensive, and as concise as possible.
    • The main title should be written in uppercase letters, bold, and centered.
    • Use Times New Roman, font size 12 pt for the main title.
    • Leave a 12 pt space before and a 6 pt space after the title. No indentation should be applied.
    • Line spacing should be set to multiple at 1.15.
    • If the paper is derived from a postgraduate thesis, this should be indicated with a footnote to the main title.
    • If the study is sponsored, this should also be indicated with a footnote on the first page below the main title.
d. Author Information
    • Author information should be added after the paper is accepted following peer review. No author information should be provided in the initial submission. After acceptance, author information should be added according to the following steps:
      • The name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) should be written below the paper title, centered, using Times New Roman, 11 pt font size.
      • Leave 0 pt spacing before and after, and set the line spacing to multiple at 1.15.
      • For the names, only the first letters of the given names should be capitalized, while all letters in the surname should be capitalized.
      • Titles, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID information should be provided in a footnote in the given order.
      • The corresponding author should be specified by adding “Corresponding Author” before their information.
      • Yazarların çalışmalarında ORCID bilgilerine yer vermeleri gerekmektedir. ORCID kaydı, adresinden yapılabilir.
e. Abstract and Keywords
    • Full text papers must include an abstract between 250 and 500 words, formatted according to the specifications below, on the first page below the title.
    • Extended abstract papers should include a summary text within the range of 500-1500 words.
    • For papers prepared in Turkish, the Turkish title, abstract, and keywords should be followed by the English title, abstract, and keywords.
    • For papers prepared in English, providing a Turkish title, abstract, and keywords is not mandatory.
    • The abstract title should be written in 12 pt, bold, and aligned to the left, with only the first letters of words capitalized.
    • Leave 12 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after the abstract title, and set line spacing to multiple at 1.15.
    • Abstracts should be written in a single paragraph with single line spacing, using Times New Roman, 10 pt, and justified alignment.
    • The abstract of full-text papers should be written as a structured single paragraph.
    • The abstract should objectively present the aim, method, findings, and originality of the study.
    • The abstract should not include figures, images, tables, references, or author-related information.
    • Below the abstract, 3 to 5 keywords should be listed that appropriately reflect the content of the paper. For papers prepared in Turkish, English keywords should also be provided.
    • Following the keywords, JEL Classification Codes must be included. Suitable classifications can be selected from
f. Main Text
    • Full-text papers must include the following main headings:
      • Introduction: Present the context, purpose, and significance of the study.
      • Conceptual Framework: Outline the theoretical basis and support for the study
      • Methodology: Describe the methods or research design used.
      • Findings: Clearly present the data, including tables and graphs where necessary.
      • Discussion and Conclusion: Compare findings with the literature and explain their contributions. Provide overall results, recommendations, and limitations in the conclusion.
    • The main text should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt, and justified alignment.
    • o Paragraph settings should have 0 pt spacing before, 6 pt spacing after, and line spacing set to multiple at 1.15. Indentation settings: None (Left: 0 cm, Right: 0 cm).
    • Footnotes should only be used if absolutely necessary and should be formatted in 9 pt, justified alignment at the bottom of the page
    • Do not include headers or footers.
    • In-text citations and references should adhere to the most recent APA Style (7th Edition).
g. Declarations
    • Following the Discussion and Conclusion sections, the following declarations must be included:
      • Author Contributions Statement: Specify the contributions of each author to the study. Example: “[Author Name] designed the study. [Author Name] collected and analyzed the data. [Author Name] contributed to the writing of the manuscript.”
      • Acknowledgments and Funding Statement (if applicable): Indicate any support provided by institutions or organizations. Additionally, individuals who contributed to the study (e.g., technical support providers, language editors, statistical consultants) but are not included in the author list may be acknowledged. Example: “This study was supported by [Supporting Institution] under project number [Project Number]. The authors would like to thank [Name] for their assistance in [specific contribution].”
      • Ethical Approval Statement: Declare that the study was conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines and provide the relevant approval information. Example: “This study was conducted with ethical approval from [Ethics Committee Name] under approval number [Approval Number] dated [Date].”
      • Conflict of Interest Statement: All authors must explicitly state whether or not there are any conflicts of interest. Example: “The authors declare that there are no financial or personal conflicts of interest related to this study.”
h. Sections and Subsections
    • Section and subsection headings should be written in 12 pt, bold, and aligned to the left.
    • First-level section headings should be written in uppercase letters, while second-level and subsequent section headings should only have the first letter capitalized (except for conjunctions).
    • No indentation should be used for subsection headings. Leave 12 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after each heading. Set the line spacing to multiple at 1.15.
    • Number section headings using a decimal system, starting with the first heading after the Introduction (e.g., 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.,
    • Use up to four levels of headings.
    • The Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion, and References sections should not be numbered and should be written in uppercase letters, aligned to the left.
i. Figures, Charts, and Tables
    • Figures, charts, and tables should be numbered and accompanied by explanatory titles.
    • They must not exceed the page margins.
    • Authors should use Microsoft Word’s table creation tool when preparing tables.
    • Titles for figures, charts, and tables should be written in 11 pt, bold, and centered above the corresponding item, with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Leave 12 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after the title.
    • Text within tables should be written in 10 pt, Times New Roman. For large tables, smaller font sizes may be used, but they must not be smaller than 8 pt.
    • Table text should have single line spacing with 0 pt spacing before and after, and no indentation.
    • If applicable, sources for figures, charts, and tables should be indicated below the item in APA 7th Edition format.
    • All figures, charts, and tables should be placed near the point where they are first mentioned or referenced in the main text.
    • Figures, charts, and tables should be numbered sequentially throughout the text (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, Chart I, Chart II, Table 1, Table 2).
    • All visual elements must have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and should be clear and legible.
    • If necessary, the page layout may be changed to landscape orientation for large figures, charts, or tables.
    • Visual elements may be presented in color or black and white; however, color selections should not hinder readability.
    • Mathematical equations in the text should be numbered sequentially. The equation numbers should be aligned to the right in parentheses. Equations should be created using Microsoft Word’s equation editor rather than copied as images.
j. References
    • The references section should be formatted in Times New Roman, 10 pt, justified, with 0 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after, and line spacing set to multiple at 1.15. A hanging indent of 1 cm should be applied.
    • The term “REFERENCES” should be left-aligned and written in all capital letters."
    • The references section should start on a new page after the declarations. Entries should be listed alphabetically by the surname of the first author.
    • If an author has multiple works, they should be listed in chronological order, starting with the oldest publication.
    • If an author has multiple works from the same year, distinguish them by adding letters (e.g., 2003a, 2003b, 2003c).
    • In case of citing an author's more than one work, the work with a single author should be listed first.
    • For journal articles, include the DOI number if available, formatted as:
    • All references and in-text citations must conform to APA Style (7th Edition).
5. Evaluation Process
    • Papers submitted to the congress will be evaluated using a double-blind peer review system, ensuring that the identities of both authors and reviewers remain confidential.
    • Reviewers will assess the papers based on originality, scientific contribution, methodological adequacy, presentation of findings, and writing quality.
    • Following the peer review process, the outcome will be categorized as “accepted,” “rejected,” or “requires revision.”
    • For further details, please refer to the “Reviewer Evaluation Guidelines”.
6. Presentation Guidelines
  • Authors whose papers have been accepted are required to present their work during the congress.
  • Presentations can be made either online or in person.
a. Presentation Duration and Format
    • Oral presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. The session chair may adjust the schedule depending on session density.
    • Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint format  and be compatible with devices recommended by the technical team.
b. Technical Requirements
    • Presentation files must be submitted to the control desk at least 2 hours before the scheduled presentation time.
    • Presentations should be designed for a 16:9 screen ratio.
    • All visuals must be in high resolution (minimum 300 DPI) and text sizes must be large enough to be legible from the back of the room.
    • The following link can be used for the presentation template:
      • The presentation template for PowerPoint can be downloaded from here
7. Ethical Principles and Plagiarism Policy
a. Originality and Author Responsibility
    • The responsibility for ensuring the originality of the papers lies entirely with the authors.
    • By submitting their papers to the congress, authors declare that their work is original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.
b. Anti-Plagiarism and Anti-Copying Policy
    • The congress has a zero-tolerance policy toward unethical copying or plagiarism.
    • Authors are strictly prohibited from using parts of other works, including their own previous works, without proper citation.
c. Plagiarism Check
    • Before submission, papers must be checked for plagiarism using software such as Turnitin or iThenticate.
    • The similarity index must be below 20%. Papers with a high similarity index will not be considered for evaluation.
d. Author Declarations
    • All authors must include the following declarations in their papers:
      • Author Contributions Statement:: A detailed account of each author's contribution to the study.
      • Conflict of Interest Statement: An explicit statement regarding any potential commercial or financial conflicts of interest.
      • Ethical Statement: A declaration that the study was conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines.
e. Acts Constituting Plagiarism
    • According to IEEE, plagiarism is defined as “the use of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.” The following acts are considered plagiarism:
      • Verbatim copying of another author’s work.
      • Paraphrasing another author’s work without proper attribution.
      • Using data or findings from another work without proper citation.
      • Including any content generated by artificial intelligence in the paper without proper acknowledgment.
f. f. Compliance with COPE Guidelines

All ethical processes in our congress are conducted in accordance with the principles of the  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In this regard, authors, reviewers, and editors have the following ethical responsibilities:

Responsibilities of Authors:
      • Authors must declare that the submitted work is original , has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under review in another venue.
      • The contributions of all authors must be clearly stated, and individuals who have not contributed to the work should not be included as authors.
      • Any potential conflicts of interest must be explicitly disclosed.
      • Authors must obtain the necessary ethical approvals  for their research and declare that their study complies with ethical guidelines.
Responsibilities of Reviewers:
      • Reviewers must remain impartial throughout the evaluation process and avoid conflicts of interest.
      • They must maintain the confidentiality of the information provided during the review and focus solely on the scientific content of the submission.
      • Reviews should be clear, constructive, and aligned with the academic standards of the congress.
Responsibilities of Editors:
      • Editors are responsible for ensuring that the review process is conducted transparently  and fairly .
      • They must adhere to ethical principles when making final decisions, considering reviewer recommendations.
      • In cases of ethical violations, editors must follow COPE’s decision-making flowcharts and take the necessary actions.
Process Management in Cases of Ethical Violations:
      • If an ethical violation is suspected, the process will be managed following COPE’s recommended decision trees.
      • Ethical violations may include:
        • Plagiarism (partial or complete use of another work without proper citation),
        • Fabrication of data
        • Misleading authorship (adding individuals who did not contribute to the study as authors),
        • Failure to disclose conflicts of interest.
      • If a violation is confirmed, the related submission will be withdrawn, and the author(s) will be informed accordingly.
8. Copyright
  • a. Copyright Transfer
    • By submitting and having their papers accepted, authors transfer the copyright of their papers to the congress organization.
    • All authors, through the corresponding author, must confirm the copyright transfer during the submission process.
    • The copyright transfer covers the publication of the paper in the proceedings book and its distribution under an open-access model.
    • Authors, by transferring the copyright, agree to the following:
      • The paper does not violate the copyright of any third party.
      • The paper is original and has not been published elsewhere.
b. Publication Rights
    • Authors may benefit from the publication options announced on the congress website under the specified conditions.
    • The congress organization reserves the right to publish accepted and presented papers in a proceedings book with an ISBN.
    • To enhance international accessibility, all papers in the proceedings book will be published under an open-access model.
    • All papers published in the proceedings book will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to ensure long-term accessibility.
    • The authors are solely responsible for the originality of the content and references in their papers.
    • The congress organization does not accept legal or ethical responsibility for any copyright infringement. In such cases, the responsibility rests solely with the authors.
9. Contact Information

For inquiries, please contact: